Samstag, 20. Februar 2010

Making Back-End & Residual Commissions

Residual income is bringing money in his pocket an affiliate advertiser is no work or effort to be. It does not get any better than that. Sales of back-end products, you can pay for the work that you do more than once. The idea is to work smarter ... not harder.

So what are back-end products? There are products / services you offer to existing customers, ie people who have already bought a first product, (Front-End-Produkt. lead product) from you.
Most online marketers make more money by selling customers the second, third, fourth, etc. as the first product to sell their products. The reason for this is that people who have already bought from you once before are much more likely to buy again.

Taking strategies such as the back-end offerings shifts the focus from the short-sighted "the money and run" strategy, so much in use on the Internet today. You've seen these sites all over. The focus is always on an enormous amount of visitor traffic and then sell with a cheap product that does not keep what was promised. You could make money in the short term, but they will only sell to each customer once and will continue spending a lot of money on advertising to get new suckers to visit their site.

Other successful sites focus on building a strong relationship with their customers. Your main goal should not only ensure that your customers are reasonably satisfied ... You want them to be very satisfied. If you deliver the goods, your customers more confidence. If you have their trust, you can sell anything. If you send your very satisfied customers an email with another product that they are interested in buying them flock to your site, because they trust you. Trust is everything.